Sorry for the radio silence - it's been quite a bit of adjusting for us getting back into the swing of things in a 'routine' lifestyle, filing taxes, getting through 6 months of mail that was nicely stacked and collected by my 'future' sister in law, getting my car running again (after 6 months of neglect, it figured it should shut down I guess), trying to finalize some Wedding plans, getting ready for a Mexican vacation next week, etc. etc. So --- here is the last of the Swedish Adventure...BUT....I will continue to keep this blog going (and more regularly once again) so that those of you who are far and away in this country and others can keep up on the happenings of my life. I have quite a few exciting things coming up in the next year - a Mother's Day Breast Cancer Walk (in honor of and support of my Mom, my Grandma, and my great friend Christie), a marriage retreat with Thom, a marathon in May, a few triathlons, the MN Border to Border race in July, wedding prep and the like...and well, life!
Thanks for following the Swedish Adventures...stay tuned for more excitement from the MN KP :) Grab a beverage and read the adventures of our travel would think that I looked like a terrorist or something!!!
Let’s see…when I last wrote, we were just done with our adventure around Europe…a small adventure, but a great adventure none the less!
When we got back to Stockholm, we made a point to see the things that we hadn’t yet seen and
do the things we hadn’t done, but had on our “to do” list. At this point, all that was left was to go to Gondolen (a restaurant at the highest point in Sodermalm), see the small, old cottages in Sodermalm, and walk around Djurgården. So, we did.
We started out by getting our hair cut “one last time” while in Sweden, then going to get some last minute souveniers in Gamla Stan (Old Town). While we were walking through Old
Town, Thom had not really seen all of the Royal Palace, so it was time to look around a bit, and our timing was perfect for Changing of the Guards (again – I “stumbled” upon it the first time too…just happened to be there at the time that they change…took me back to one of my first weeks in Sweden). We continued walking and seeing the small cabins in Sodermalm. We had read about these many times and so the curiosity was getting to us! It was interesting that there were many different streets that had these little old cabins – most without running water or electricity and still in the same form that they were oh so many years ago! It’s great to see that
people can still live as simple as they once did in the past. That was quite a cool thing to see. We ended the night at a place called “Mosebacke” – a place with a great patio and apparently “THE” place to hang out when the weather is good! We would call that one a “favorite” place to hang out if we could spend the summer here.
Saturday we had a lot of time to spend walking around and doing the things we wanted to do, including seeing the island of Djurgården. We took
a little adventure walk to get to the island, and once we got there, we were quite amazed with the place! We walked around the area that was at the bottom of “Skansen” where we went to the Christmas market and where the zoo is. The trails led us to places that were so beautiful and the sites were amazing! I did find a pedestal where a statue once was and decided to become a statue myself with Reese (see picture) We saw a map on the island and realized that we had only seen part of the island, but we continued onto Skeppsholmen and Kastelholmen (2 other islands) and saw some more great sites. Since I had to do a long run that weekend (for marathon
training), I made a mental note to come back to Djurgården because we had only done ½ of the island. As we were walking, we decided to stop for a bite to eat at a cute little café on the water and take in the view. It was awesome and very relaxing! We eventually made our way back to the northern part of Sodermalm where we would have a chance to go to Gondolen – the restaurant with a view! We decided that we would just have a drink and see how the view was, then go back to our favorite, Mosebacke, one last time. The view was definitely great from Gondolen…but it was too nice to be inside, so one drink and back to Mosebacke we went to enjoy the sunshine!
Everyone else seemed to have the same thought process, and it was funny to see the people move tables and chairs as the sun was setting and shadows being cast; everyone was moving tables and chairs into the sun to catch every last minute of it.
Easter Sunday, I took the time to run around the city one last time…18 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes, I was able to see most of my favorite sites and take it all in. It was a great run, but at the same time, it was very sad for me to realize that this would be the last time I would see these sites for a while. I truly enjoyed my time in Sweden – all of my friends that I met began to feel like family. The public transit system was engrained in my head and I could tell anyone which color line to take to get to their destination, or perhaps even what time a bus might be coming. Thom and I had our favorite “godis” (goodies/candy), we had our favorite beers, we had our favorite places to go, shops to shop at, and we felt at home. I think I’m Swedish by heritage…I think my parents missed that part when they tried to educate me on where our roots are set!!! The only part that I have yet to learn more of is the language, and I was beginning
to get to the point where I could completely understand what people were saying, but I couldn’t pick the words to say the right things. Recognition of words, however, was easy for me now…I just hope I don’t lose that. Some day, I do hope I can return and stay forever.
Which leads me into our trip home…
We get everything packed up in the apartment, and thank goodness for our friends Robert and Elin who came over to see us on Sunday night one last time…and we sent them home with some things to deliver to my host family. It was a great thing we did because their car was packed to the
top with things and if we had waited to pack those things (one box of things with a microwave, coffee maker, etc., a mattress, and 2 cushions), Thom and I would never have made it to the airport on Monday morning with our things!!! That night, Thom and I slept on the cushions from the couch…literally. He slept on the part that would be the “Seat” of the couch while I slept on the pillows that made up the “back” of the couch. The sleep was not the best quality, but it was good enough I guess. Coach Oscar picked us up at 7:30
on Monday morning and we were off to the airport. Arrival at the airport, we check our bags (2 for each of us) and we head off to take Reese to the “Special” baggage. They asked us to produce a receipt for the transit of Reese…um…well, I hadn’t printed anything, and they checked her in at the front counter…why do we need a receipt?? They asked how much we had paid for her! Um…
well, I didn’t have the receipt in front of me, and we actually had one of our friends in the Bandy world help us out with the tickets, so I didn’t have a receipt. Thank goodness for kind souls in Sweden…they let her go onto the plane without that pesky receipt being shown!! Reese is checked in, sedative in tummy…next stop is for us to get through security! Thom is ahead of me and goes through one line and I go through another. I must have had a woman checking me that was having a bad day! She scolds me for leaving “7 days after your residence permit has expired!! This is trouble!!” I stood there thinking to myself “Ok, so keep me here? Really? DARN!” I offered to stay in Sweden if that would make it
easier for her…I don’t think she liked that response very much because she proceeded with “I’ll have to report you and you will have problems!” I remained calm and asked “What problems…I’m trying to go back to the States now…?” She responded that it might be difficult to get a residence permit there if I tried again. BECAUSE OF ONE WEEK!?? I didn’t argue as Thom’s permit expired the same day and he had already made it through the line and was on his way…they apparently didn’t have the same issue with his passport check person. Oh well…she let me through, and my heart will be broken if they will not let me come back in for 7 days over my residence permit; ironic that you can stay as a “visitor” for 3 months without a residence permit…hmph! As we start making our way to the gate, we see the “Tax Free” counter where we can claim our 25% for “exporting” of goods that we have purchased…that is if you purchase them within 3 months of leaving the country. That wiped out more than 75% of my purchases. Oh well…we got a whopping $8 USD back! Ha ha! We were lucky on that because they actually require you to show the goods you are taking home. Oops – we already checked our baggage!!! Again, thanks to the trusting souls in Sweden! We make our way to our gate where they do another check of your passport and ticket, and do the random pat down of people. Guess who got selected for the pat down --- yep – yours truly! First they want a receipt that I don’t have, then they want to hassle me for being 7 days past my residence permit, then they want the purchased goods (which took up ½ of a suit case as it was), then they have to pat me down?!? I must look like trouble! Finally sitting at the gate, because they didn’t have anything to stop me for with the pat down and search through my personal belongings (surprise!), we are now ready to board the plane because we are tired and tired of the hassle of traveling – not because we want to leave Sweden!
The flight was uneventful, just the way I like them. There was a little boy, Max, who was 7 months old and barely made a fuss, and I kept entertaining him to ensure that!!! I did not want to listen to a crying baby!!! Arrival in Chicago and off to get Reese – first priority on our list!! We get her, the customs folks do their inspection, and away we go to get our bags to re-check them. We go to get our bags and the TSA agent tells us we can “relieve” the dog outside – “Through those glass doors, then come back in and you can put her in her cage after they inspect it.” Thom goes with Reese, I go with the cage. 10 minutes pass, so I figure I’ll be proactive and figure out which gate we are departing from when the TSA agent tells me that someone is trying to get my attention outside…I look and there is Thom (no surprise) and he’s flailing his arms, but I can’t hear what he’s saying beyond the glass door. I step out there and then I realize he was saying “Don’t come out here, but I need to get back in and they won’t let me!” I realized that as I was stepping through, then I tried to double back and they wouldn’t let me --- now all 3 of us were outside of the glass doors and Reese’s cage was inside. Luckily, the TSA agent that sent me out, came out to see what was going on, apologized for not telling me to NOT go out there, and then she helped us by getting her supervisor. Whew! Thom had been arguing with the Security person to let him back in and she wasn’t budging, but the TSA supervisor was willing to talk to the security person and let us back in. What fun!? Welcome back to the USA! Finally, Reese is checked back in, we are off to the gate and…yes…a DELAY! Great! 2 hours…could be more, etc. We were delayed 3 hours and finally got home around 7:30. We were happy to be done with the travels, but we still miss Sweden.
“Why?” you might ask…well, it’s a lot of things. The people are so kind. The language is fun to learn. The way of living is healthier. The city is much more accessible via public transit so you can live without a car. It just FEELS like I fit in there so easily. There really is no way to explain how it feels or why it feels so right, it just does. I will be back there some day, and hopefully we can live there again! I'll keep working on it as long as Thom is still willing to be by my side as we make the adventure, and based on his experiences, I think he will.
When we got back to Stockholm, we made a point to see the things that we hadn’t yet seen and

We started out by getting our hair cut “one last time” while in Sweden, then going to get some last minute souveniers in Gamla Stan (Old Town). While we were walking through Old

Saturday we had a lot of time to spend walking around and doing the things we wanted to do, including seeing the island of Djurgården. We took

Easter Sunday, I took the time to run around the city one last time…18 miles in 2 hours and 45 minutes, I was able to see most of my favorite sites and take it all in. It was a great run, but at the same time, it was very sad for me to realize that this would be the last time I would see these sites for a while. I truly enjoyed my time in Sweden – all of my friends that I met began to feel like family. The public transit system was engrained in my head and I could tell anyone which color line to take to get to their destination, or perhaps even what time a bus might be coming. Thom and I had our favorite “godis” (goodies/candy), we had our favorite beers, we had our favorite places to go, shops to shop at, and we felt at home. I think I’m Swedish by heritage…I think my parents missed that part when they tried to educate me on where our roots are set!!! The only part that I have yet to learn more of is the language, and I was beginning

Which leads me into our trip home…
We get everything packed up in the apartment, and thank goodness for our friends Robert and Elin who came over to see us on Sunday night one last time…and we sent them home with some things to deliver to my host family. It was a great thing we did because their car was packed to the

The flight was uneventful, just the way I like them. There was a little boy, Max, who was 7 months old and barely made a fuss, and I kept entertaining him to ensure that!!! I did not want to listen to a crying baby!!! Arrival in Chicago and off to get Reese – first priority on our list!! We get her, the customs folks do their inspection, and away we go to get our bags to re-check them. We go to get our bags and the TSA agent tells us we can “relieve” the dog outside – “Through those glass doors, then come back in and you can put her in her cage after they inspect it.” Thom goes with Reese, I go with the cage. 10 minutes pass, so I figure I’ll be proactive and figure out which gate we are departing from when the TSA agent tells me that someone is trying to get my attention outside…I look and there is Thom (no surprise) and he’s flailing his arms, but I can’t hear what he’s saying beyond the glass door. I step out there and then I realize he was saying “Don’t come out here, but I need to get back in and they won’t let me!” I realized that as I was stepping through, then I tried to double back and they wouldn’t let me --- now all 3 of us were outside of the glass doors and Reese’s cage was inside. Luckily, the TSA agent that sent me out, came out to see what was going on, apologized for not telling me to NOT go out there, and then she helped us by getting her supervisor. Whew! Thom had been arguing with the Security person to let him back in and she wasn’t budging, but the TSA supervisor was willing to talk to the security person and let us back in. What fun!? Welcome back to the USA! Finally, Reese is checked back in, we are off to the gate and…yes…a DELAY! Great! 2 hours…could be more, etc. We were delayed 3 hours and finally got home around 7:30. We were happy to be done with the travels, but we still miss Sweden.
“Why?” you might ask…well, it’s a lot of things. The people are so kind. The language is fun to learn. The way of living is healthier. The city is much more accessible via public transit so you can live without a car. It just FEELS like I fit in there so easily. There really is no way to explain how it feels or why it feels so right, it just does. I will be back there some day, and hopefully we can live there again! I'll keep working on it as long as Thom is still willing to be by my side as we make the adventure, and based on his experiences, I think he will.

We will miss our Swedish adventures...for a while...then we will be back.
Puss och Kram to our Swedish "Family",
Kristy, Thom, and Reese
more pictures of the last few sights in Sweden can be seen here:
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