Thursday, June 25, 2009

Still plugging along....

Nearly 4 weeks post marathon and I haven't am I slacking?!
I've been incredibly busy lately trying to get some things finalized for the wedding, train for the Border to Border race, and do some home improvements. It has been great that rink bandy has started up for the summer too on both the Women's team and the Men's team that I play for, so I'm getting on the ice two times a week on average now...and of course, I am truly enjoying every moment of that!

Just a quick recap of what we have been up to - the weekend after the marathon, I did some dress shopping and we went to Thom's nephew's graduation party which was a cool experience - it was at a park which was a mile from our house and I never knew it was there. I have since been back to run the trails in the park! After that it was a weekend with the Wynns at the quarterly family party, which was a nice relaxing weekend in Wisconsin at Thom's mom and dad's house. We always have a good time there. Then it was to Paul's cabin for a weekend of training! We rode 75 miles on Saturday (which we were both exhausted from), then we ran for 2 hours on Sunday and we were going to paddle in the canoe for 90 minutes, but we decided we would attend the 2 hour class on Wednesday evening that following week instead.

This past week was quite a busy week...and Wednesday was the peak of the action with a 4 mile run, 2 hours of canoe class, and a bandy game! What a great night! I think I played one of my better bandy games and I have to credit the "long warm up" to it :).

This weekend, we will be busy stripping wall paper from the dining room, removing the cabinet doors and hardware, and then repainting all of them. It will be a busy weekend, but it will be nice to have it all done very soon. We will be getting new windows this summer, so that too will be a nice change/update to the townhome. We definitely are keeping busy!

That's all I have for now - just a short update. Nothing too exciting, just more of the same!

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